Cauliflower Rice, Movement, and the Edge of Comfortable | Personal Post
If you know me well at all, you'll know that rice is my comfort food. From the time I was a little girl my mom would make it for dinner several times a week, which led to my socks being constantly sticky from the pieces I dropped and accidentally stepped on.
Rice is the perfect food, it goes with anything, I like it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. When I learned that cutting out gluten would be the first step to a better diet for my Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, I knew I could handle it because rice was still safe.
The last few years have been full of SO much change. Everything has changed, from making the CA-FL move, moving out on my own for the first time, joining a beautiful wonderful new church family, making significant dietary changes, cutting all my hair off, to learning about commitment from my (now 3) tattoos.
This week in an effort to further find out if I have more foods that affect me, I cut out everything except meat, fruits and most veggies. And of course black coffee, because let's be real, that's the other constant. Plus they say it's super good for you...
This means that my best friend, Rice, is now gone. At least for a few months until I can re-introduce things into my system and see how it goes.
This bereavement comes at the end of 2 weeks which contained my brother's wedding, visits with friends here and 5 hours away, moving out of aforementioned first place on my own to a new home, a good amount of tears over Parenthood, shooting two other weddings in one week, reorganizing everything and condensing my belongings, getting a new tattoo, teaching piano, and so many other good things. Good things, but weighty things.
And now my safe places are fewer. But that's ok.
In the picture at the top of this post, the plate looks the way my old rice/meat/spices concoctions looked. But the rice is just grated cauliflower that i sautéed all together. And it is really really good.
Even in the midst of scrambling to adjust, of not knowing how life will always turn out, there are small and beautiful blessings. One of which is that cauliflower rice is CLOSE to being as good as real rice.
Sometimes new doors are heavy and squeaky as we're opening and walking through them, but walking is important and the other side is worth it.
My prayer these days has been "let me leave all my burdens at the foot of the cross where I know that Jesus has taken care of my greatest need, and remember this as proof that He is willing and able to take care of the rest of them." And this has helped me breathe.
I'm so grateful (get it? grate like the cauliflower rice? get it?) for this season, as crazy as it's been, and i'm so excited to keep walking through these doors.
Just so you didn't read all that for no reason, here are some pictures from the last few weeks to get you excited for my blog posts coming up!